Assisted Dying again.

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Re: Assisted Dying again.

Post by crummy »

"Surely the answer here is to clearly draw the line. Certainly babies and children cannot self-determine and we are talking about suffering and not general disability."

Perhaps some would say a deaf-blind person would suffer all their life. Or a child with no arms or legs would have a lifetime of sufferring. I expect people with such conditions today may disagree.

It is the opening of the door to legal killing that causes me the most concern. Today it might just be as the humanists suggest, but once the principle has been established the politicians will get a hold of it and who knows where it would go from there..?

It could be a slippery slope..
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Re: Assisted Dying again.

Post by Vino »

adamlenton wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2024 11:46 am As someone who was told I have motor neurone and 5 years at the most, only to be told after 3 years they got it wrong and its CMT.

Now 9 years on and now told I am now in the last few months I intend to make the most of every last second.

Terminal should not mean terminate.

The deciding factor must be the pain of the patient linked to length of time remaining.

And do not underestimate the mental anguish suffered. Which for myself was and is worse despite the physical pain.

So in my opinion I don't know whether it's a good thing or a bad thing.
So sorry to hear that Adam,
But if you are compos mentis as clearly you are,
And the pain and anguish is intolerable you should have that choice.
Thank you for taking the time to explain your condition,
and sharing it with us.
Best wishes from all here I'm sure, stay strong.
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Jefe 24/7
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Re: Assisted Dying again.

Post by Jefe 24/7 »

adamlenton wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2024 11:46 am As someone who was told I have motor neurone and 5 years at the most, only to be told after 3 years they got it wrong and its CMT.

Now 9 years on and now told I am now in the last few months I intend to make the most of every last second.

Terminal should not mean terminate.

The deciding factor must be the pain of the patient linked to length of time remaining.

And do not underestimate the mental anguish suffered. Which for myself was and is worse despite the physical pain.

So in my opinion I don't know whether it's a good thing or a bad thing.
Really sorry to hear that. I largely concur with your sentiments on the issue.
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Re: Assisted Dying again.

Post by derekbroad »

Carlsberg, probably the worst password in the World.
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